dissabte, 25 de febrer del 2012

"In search of welfare” by Ignasi Llorente

* reviem published by EFA (European Free Alliance)

“What will states become in the 21st century? This is the question I try to answer in the book based on the premise of considering both states and their administrations as tools to ensure welfare for the human species. Like any tool, states must be reformed under the criteria of efficiency and usefulness and not be considered an end in themselves, or a structure at the service of a single nation or religion.

“Looking at the last 150,000 years of human history, we discover how these structures are increasingly inefficient in securing our prosperity and our freedom. New information and communication technologies have a key role in the return to a global society which I think is urgent and inevitable.

“The book asserts the role of social democracy not from an ideological point of view but from a pragmatic one, and is committed to a United States of Europe, where Catalonia could be one of the new states forming part of it. To achieve this, however, we must abandon emotional nationalism and support rational independentism.”

From the foreword by Josep Ramoneda: “We spent too many years wondering who we are as a first step in deciding what we want to be. While we say that nation-building is the priority, we forget the State. Maybe it's a strategy that guarantees certain political hegemonies and the survival of the status quo, but give me a State and do not worry, the rest – including the nation – will come about.”

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